BLF on Cisco SPA508G

I know there are several posts on making BLFs work on the Cisco phones. I am just getting back into Asterisk and FreePBX (after many years of not working with it). I have the latest version installed and working. I have been trying to get a couple of Cisco phones (for testing) working, and they are connecting and registering on the PBX just fine. However I (like many others) have not been able to figure out how to make the outer line buttons on a 508G work like a BLF.

Which brings me to my question - the other posts about this subject make references to setting the Server Type under Attendant Console settings to Asterisk (which I did). My basic question is can you USE the remaining 7 line buttons on this phone for BLF to display what is going on with other extensions on the system, or are these Attendant Console settings ONLY for the use of a side car that has to be attached to this phone?

Log into web GUI of phone click “Admin” and “Advanced”
Click on Phone tab and select a line key
Extension : Disabled
Share Call Appearance : private
Extended Function : fnc=blf+sd+cp;sub=71@$PROXY;nme=71

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OK that helped - I can now do one touch speed dial from that button, but, the light is flashing orange all the time for the monitored extension, even when the monitored extension is on hook, so I still have something programmed wrong on one of the two phones (or on the PBX).

As long as you have all of the punctuations correct - the + and the semi colons (They are not commas) with no spaces between it should be good to go. You already set it to “Asterisk” under the Server Type. As far as the PBX make sure your parking settings match what you have here. Parking lot extension 70, first space 71.

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OK finally got it to work!! During the course of my efforts to make it work, I had put the “fnc=blf+sd+cp;sub=xxx@$PROXY;nme=xxx” string into the Unit 1 Key field under the Attendant Console tab, which must have been conflicting with the entry in the Line Key field under the Phone tab. Took that string out from under the Attendant Console tab and BLFs seem to be working just fine now.

Now to figure out how to get the main PBX directory to propagate down to the cisco phones. Been a while since I have worked on Asterisk…

Brain fart - You just want a BLF for other phones not a parking space. Just replace 71 with the extension number of the other phone. My test phone I have is set up as park buttons but it should work the same. Seems like it takes a minute for the BLF hint to register