FPBX ver 17
FTP server is windows.
I created a Filestore and a backup job named ‘daily’. The backup completes successfully and the .tar.gz file is created in the FTP server’s folder.
When I click the restore tab, the ‘Restore from the cloud’ section lists ‘no matching records found’ and says ‘This feature requires filestore be setup and may not be availible on a clean install’.
I backed up to a filestore, so I don’t understand why the daily folder and backup file(s) are not listed.
How do I fix Restore to list the files on my FTP server?
I’m experiencing the same problem as you except that I’m using AWS. Is there a way to view the logs for the request out to s3? Could it be a permission on the AWS side that lets me write a backup but not read one?
I did not find an answer to how to view the files in the ‘Restore from the Cloud’ section. I quit looking when I discovered that I could click on ‘Click to upload a backup file’ and enter my ftp server’s login credentials along with the IP address to view the backup files.
Example: ftp://username:password@ftp-server-address:ftp-port/backupfolder ftp://big:[email protected]:4040/pbx/backup/daily
I am presented a list of backup files. I pick the file I want to restore from and click ‘Open’. The selected file is downloaded to the local store and the backup begins to run from there.
I appreciate the tip, but since I somewhat hijacked your thread about FTP to ask my similar question about AWS S3, I’m afraid it won’t be too helpful to me. I’m glad you have a workaround for your dilemma though.