Automate running and emailing of queue reports

Is there a way to do this? It can be a cron job if need be.

How do you do them by hand now?

Automate that, and put it in a cron job. It’s basically the same process and moving your recording files to your HIPAA compliance backup server. Once a day, you run the thing from crond and just go to town.

They’ve been doing it through the GUI. Not sure how to do it via the command prompt…

The ‘fwconsole’ command is amazingly amazing.

I started digging through the wiki, but its not obvious how to package up the results from the command prompt.

I’ve been thinking on this for a couple of days. The report program is open source, so getting the data as specified in the report program should be pretty simple. After that, it would be a matter of running it through a report generator package (there’s one installed with the system if you want to use that), so one could (I’d think) recreate the functionality of the report in an “off-line” program.

There’s nothing really real-time about it, so it should be a reasonably simple drag through the database. It’s gonna take some programming, but it shouldn’t be too challenging.

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