Auto provisioning path?

I have an installation of Distro via Cyberlink. My dashboard lists it as “FreePBX ‘VoIP Server’” and I have a new Sangoma s705 sitting on my desk and powered up.

The Auto Provision page of the phone lists https;//rs-sangoma-net/cfg as the Config Server Path and I have checked HTTPS, updated the user name and password to match the values shown on on the “phone” tab of “Edit Deployment” from the Sangoma portal.

I purchased my S705 from Sangoma so it was already registered in the portal and I have been trying to follow the instructions “Auto-Provision Quick Start Guide” from the wiki at freepbx dot org

It sounds to me like the phone is supposed to login to the Sangoma Portal and get the information needed to contact my FreePBX installation on Cyberlink. Once that is accomplished, download the final configuration from the Endpoint Manager.

If that is true, I don’t think it’s going well. The phone on power up says “Provision successful” but I do not see any of the Account 1 data listed under the Account tab of the phone being filled in. Shouldn’t it be?

The portal is just a redirection server, whatever you set up in the portal, it will tell the phone, it doesn’t authenticate with the portal with a user/pass.

Lastly, you need to add the phone in Endpoint Manager and assign an extension to it.

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