Auto answer an originate call on initiating phone

Hi All,

I have an integration that builds op a conversation between call no 4001 and 4002. Now the phone starts ringing on 4001. after it’s picked up it starts to call 4002. How can I make sure the call on the initiating phone (4001) is auto answered? I am using a snom D720 as initiating phone.

Action: Originate
channel: Local/4001@from-internal
context: from-internal
exten: 4002
priority: 1
timeout: 30000

Thanks in advance!

This depends on the firmware version, not just the model number and is mainly a phone question, not a FreePBX one. I’d suggest looking at page 46 of and also, although it is not clear that they apply to that model, answer_after_policy - Snom Service Hub - Snom Confluence intercom_connect_type - Snom Service Hub - Snom Confluence and auto_connect_type - Snom Service Hub - Snom Confluence

Note setting a phone to autoanswer quietly makes it into an infinity transmitter, so it is not something that should ever be enabled out of the box and you should check your network security before doing it.

Also note that the common name for what you are doing is “click to call” and there will be many other internet articles describing the process, probably in more detail.

If your phone supports the methods already in place for intercom and paging in FreePBX, then you can just prefix the dialed digits with the intercom prefix,

channel: Local/*804001@from-internal

and, pro tip. If using a newer version of FreePBX, click to call is best done with the context originate-skipvm as it blocks the local extension from going to voicemail if the initiating party doesn’t answer their phone

channel: Local/*804001@originate-skipvm

Although, come to think of it, I have never tested the intercom prefix with the originate-skipvm context. I’m not sure that they work together.

Thanks! It works. Also with the vm parameter.

Kind regards,

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