Asterisk-version-switch to 16 failing

Currently running 12.7.5-1902-3.sng7 on Asterisk 13 running the devel-package. When I run asterisk-version-switch to go to 16 to troubleshoot a DNS SRV issue, I get the following error, just a snippet:

Downloading packages:
asterisk16-16.3.0-1.sng7.x86_6 FAILED [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=sng-pkgs clean metadata
Trying other mirror.
asterisk16-addons-16.3.0-1.sng FAILED [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=sng-pkgs clean metadata
Trying other mirror.

I’ve tried running yum --enablerepo=sng-pkgs clean metadata, but that doesn’t fix it nor does yum clean.

Any thoughts?

yum clean all

Then run your desired command

Thanks for the quick reply!

Looks like that fixed it. I could have sworn I ran that command a few times though. 5th time’s a charm?

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