Asterisk running, freePBX running, freePBX not able to connect to Asterisk

You can also set the password by browsing to Advanced Settings, or from bash using the appropriate setting commands:

[root@lorne14-pro tftpboot]# fwconsole setting --list | grep MGR
| AMPMGRPASS                           | <redacted>                                     | amp111                                        |
| AMPMGRUSER                           | admin                                          | admin                                         |

[root@lorne14-pro tftpboot]# fwconsole setting AMPMGRPASS new_ami_password
Changing "AMPMGRPASS" from [redacted] to [new_ami_password]
[root@lorne14-pro tftpboot]# fwconsole setting --list | grep MGR
| AMPMGRPASS                           | new_ami_password                               | amp111                                        |
| AMPMGRUSER                           | admin                                          | admin                                         |
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