Asterisk phonebook and DPMA phonebook : Please help me!


Finaly, I want sync my all phonebooks.

In fact, I sync Outllook Contacts with Google Contacts, I sync Google Contacts with Asterisk Phonebook. My contacts are in Outlook, in Google, in FreePBX and in my Android smartphone.

When I insert a new contact in Outllook , this contact is in Google Contacts (I can view this contact from anywhere), this contact is in FreePBX (when I receive a call, my Digium phone display the contact name [ID lookup on the Asterisk Phonebook in the inbound route], this contact is in my Android smarphone (Phonebook and ID lookup with Google Contacts application).

Google Contacts is the database of this system.

All phonebooks and ID lookups are syncing with Google Contacts.

I think this idea is a good way.

Only, I can not sync the phonebook of my Digium phone with the Astersik Phonebook or with the Google Contacts !

Have you an idea ?

Thank you.