Asterisk not online?

I followed the installation instructions here to install Asterisk and FreePBX 2.10.0 on CentOS 6.3. I got through the whole install process without any issues but when I login to the GUI > Applications I get this error:

[WARNING]: Menu Item: Extensions is disabled because asterisk is not running

Asterisk is running though:

[root@pbx ~]# asterisk Asterisk already running on /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl. Use 'asterisk -r' to connect.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

FreePBX 2.10.0
CentOS 6.3

I managed to get this working by downgrading CentOS to 5.6

You might try installing one of the fine FreePBX distros. They have all the dependencies needed to build a FreePBX system. It is a lot easier to install and a lot easier to upgrade in the future.

I don’t have that option. I installed it on the Rackspace cloud server.