Asterisk crontab empty for second time

This is the second time that the Asterisk crontab gets emptied somehow, so anything that is dependant on Cron jobs doesn’t work, like backups, calendar resync, jobs, etc.
I fixed it with redownloading and reinstalling all modules but this is getting tedious.

I’m running FreePBX Distro version 15, all modules updated.

Just in case, none of the server’s interfaces are exposed to the internet, apart from SIP and RTP ports forwarded to the FreePBX server.

Has anyone experienced this behaviour before?

Hi @arielgrin
You did install your FreePBX-15 from official ISO or you did Custom installation for Ubuntu or another OS?

FreePBX 15 Distro official ISO downloaded from

you can try to upgrade all modules, if you didn’t tried yet.

All modules are updated.