ARI username and password settings AGAIN?

I’ve already changed the ARI username and password on all my systems and yet this week I’m getting notices again on all of them that this needs to be done. What’s going on?

I have several systems running 15 and 16 and not seeing this on any of my systems. If you dismiss the warning does it stay gone?

Do we need to do this on newly deployed systems and if we do (or don’t), does the warning only appear if changing the credentials is necessary?


I had changed the username and password a while ago and closed the message on all the systems.

It seemed to come back when the Restapps disabled issue hit. Not sure if the two are related

I’m experiencing this issue as well on 15.0.37. I have restarted my server after making the suggested changes to ARI username / password last month. Last week following a small module update, the security issue prompt has popped back up again. I have also dismissed the prompt, but it now keeps re-appearing every day sadly.

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Still receiving this notice, now via email on all of my pbx systems this morning following scheduled update checks:

Action Required : Change ARI Username/Password:
Your system is using default ARI username so recommend you to please change
ARI username and password at the earliest (If ARI is not visible, Please
enable ‘Display Readonly Settings’ And 'Override Readonly Settings

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