I have this goal: Save the phone call archive on a separate server, unfortunately windows.
I have configured an SSH type filestore, which points to a windows server.
The windows server has two disks: C: (for the system), E: (for data)
The filestorage of phone call records, works only if I enter the value “/” in the “Path” parameter.
The other parameters are the user “asterisk”, and the ssh key to be used for the connection.
This causes a copy of the phone calls to be made in the user’s home, i.e. C:\Users\asterisk
If, on the other hand, in the “Path” parameter I indicate E:\RecordsCalls, the archiving job does not work.
I tried to work around the problem by using the “forced command” ssh, setting up the following script:
@echo off
cd e:\RecordsCalls
echo “%date:~-4%%date:~3.2%%date:~0.2%%time:~0.2%%time:~3.2%%time:~6.2% %SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND% %*”>> e:\RecordsCalls\ssh-connection.log
it has the task of changing drives and folders, placing itself on the E:\RecordsCalls disk, write the command sent via SSH into the log (ssh-connection.log), and then run the original command
But this work arround did not work and I get an error.
I ask you these questions:
How can I launch from CLI the configured storage task instead of waiting for Sunday where it is scheduled?
What value can I enter in the filestore “Path” field to indicate the desired data drive and folder? (E:\RecordsCalls).