Anyone ever get an A800E to work?


I picked up a couple OpenVox A800E (PCI-E) cards with the intent of using them in a new build. I didn’t do my due diligence beforehand though. The Openvox A400P is hardware/driver compatible with Digium’s tdm driver and I was naively thinking the same for the A800E.

I’ve hit Openvox’s website and there are rough beta-dahdi instructions from 2008 that don’t seem to work (for me). I made a little head way with the Zaptel instructions but soon fell into ‘dependencies hell’ i.e. you need this program installed to recompile but that program require another program to run, but now you’ve installed too new a program which conflicts with yet another, blah, blah, blah, goto ‘snytax=hair+pull+now not recognized’.

While I have faith the 1200.c driver will work I believe I’m hitting the wall with my lack of Linux knowledge.

Does anyone have some more current A800E instructions or a web link? I’m trying to avoid a Linux primer and find just a nice solid A800E install doc.


There is no instructions. I would like to think I have a handle on how it is done but the lack of instructions requires major tinkering.

Of course this being Open Source nobody bother to document it.

If I remember the basic process is to simply patch a Digium driver to recognize the extra channels then build the patched source.

Getting it to work requires intimate knowledge of the DAHDI source tree and how patches are applied.


I can help you out. In the short term, we can email outside of the forum. I have been testing a bunch of the OpenVox cards that need drivers installed with the new FreePBX distro and have been very successful with Dahdi recompiled with OpenVox drivers.

I am planning on posting directions and possibly youtube video sometime next week.

Please email me at [email protected] and we’ll get these set up for you.

Adam - Hunt me up over the weekend, I can help with that also and get it published to the site.

you have to patch the drvier and config that from GUI. any problem, you can email me. i can forward the problem to openvox.