Anonymous call with CID # shows up as Unknown

This is driving me crazy and was wondering if its a common issue with TB. When someone blocks their CID using *67, my VOIP provider still sends the CID number but the CID name will be “Anonymous”. Eventhough the CID number exists, the call shows up on my CID box as Unknown for both name and number. For testing, I tried overriding it with Set(CallerID()) in extensions_custom.conf. The call then shows in the CDR and Freepbx reports correctly with the CID number in both the number and name fields but the call showing up on my CID box is still Unknown for both fields. Somewhere, before passing the call to my SPA3K, TB must be changing it back to Anonymous. Where shld I place the SET command? HELP?

exten => s/[2-9]XXXXXXXXX,1,Set(FROM_DID=s/[2-9]XXXXXXXXX)
exten => s/[2-9]XXXXXXXXX,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=TEST-${CALLERID(num)})
exten => s/

Call display was working fine before this update.

I’m wondering if it is safe to go back to by un-taring the core and framework files for the previous version.
