And walk from the custom ura to a freepbx queue?

Have a customized script in the file (extensions_custom.conf) using the expression " exten => s,n,Queue(01) " I can even get to the queue, and I wait but even with the attendants available the queue does not forward to anyone Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

Why are you not using the normal queue method?

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Because I had to create a custom extension to generate protocol numbers based on the callerid of the calls, being announced with saydigits and at the end of the route going to the queues created in freepbx.

And you only have that one line for it? Where is the rest of everything?

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To give you an idea, this expression was already working perfectly sending to ivr-1 initial exten => s,n Goto(ivr-1,s,1) however we had to make a change in the service flow and that’s why it was requested that Before forwarding to the queues, the CALLERID must be informed and then you will notice that it does not work correctly, sending it to the queue with the default expression, but if you send it to the ura created in freepbx it works normally.

exten => 1,3,Queue(01)

Did you actually setup a queue configuration? Does this queue have dynamic agents or static agents? You’ve basically just pushed the caller into a queue with no configuration settings on it.

Why didn’t you create a queue normally and do what you did with the IVR, just point to the queue in your custom dialplan?

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the correct solution is: exten => s,n,Goto(ext-queues,01,1)

Asterisk understands it differently, but with freepbx it understands the extension first before the queue name.

You’re conflating calling on the Queue application (Queue()) with sending the call to a context that setups up the call and variables before executing Queue() application.

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