Look at your outbound route and make sure you have the sipstation trunk in it. In this image, you’d put it where mine shows Bulkvs. That is what @bduehn was talking about. When the trunk shows it is not in use by any routes, that means you have not associated with an outgoing route.
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I suspect that what you are using is the Dialed Number Manipulation rules in the trunk itself. You need to create an outbound route (Connectivity->Outbound Routes.) Dialed Number Manipulation is more for when you have multiple carriers and some have different digit protocols than others. Since I usually only work with a single carrier, I do all of my digit manipulation in Outbound Routes.
I could be missing something, but I suspect that what you need to do is build your dial strings in Outbound Routes and remove them from the trunk itself. Otherwise FreePBX doesn’t know where to send the call.
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