Al instalar FREEPBX en VirtualBox no obtiene ipv4

Instale FreePBX en VirtualBox con el adaptador de red en PUENTE, se instala todo correcto pero cuando entro a la maquina no me aparece el ipv4 solo el ipv6 cuando mi laptop esta conectado a wifi pero cuando esta conectado por cable a la red si aparece el ipv4, si me pueden ayudar por favor a resolver esto para poder trabajar con la red en wifi con normalidad.

Do you mean the IP does not appear at the command line?

apt-get install net-tools


What is the output of ifconfig when you are on the wifi and what is the output of ifconfig when you are on the LAN?

con lan

Eso es lo que me muestra, la imagen esta conectado con LAN y si muestra el ip pero cuando solo lo tengo conectado a WIFI, no tiene ipv4.

This isn’t a FreePBX error.

I recommend that you go to a Virtualbox forum and ask. I’d start here:

what is PROBABLY happening is that when you installed VirtualBox, the installer setup a bridged interface that is bridged ONLY into your laptop’s Ethernet interface. Probably you will need to setup a second Virtualbox bridge, and bridge it into your laptop’s wifi interface. Then you will have to add a second interface into your FreePBX virtual machine, tie it into the wifi interface bridge. Then, with luck, when the FreePBX virtual machine boots, it will see the wifi interface as eth1 or something like that.

Another way to do it would be to modify the bridge in Virtualbox to go only to the wifi interface when you are in wifi mode and only to the ethernet interface when you are plugged into the lan.

Either way, I think you need to spend some more time reading up on virtualized interfaces in Virtualbox.

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