Agi:// - Connection refused

After upgrading from 15 to 16 text messages do not arrive in the UCP anymore.

I saw this in the logfile:

17662 [2024-04-02 08:34:43] VERBOSE[3526][C-00000003] pbx.c: Executing [s@sms-incoming:1] AGI(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “agi://, RECEIVE”) in new stack
17663 [2024-04-02 08:34:43] WARNING[3526][C-00000003] res_agi.c: Connecting to ‘’ failed for url ‘agi://’: Connection refused
17664 [2024-04-02 08:34:43] WARNING[3526][C-00000003] res_agi.c: Couldn’t connect to any host. FastAGI failed.

I have tried fwconsole chown
I have disabled “Launch local AGIs through FastAGI Server”

Any idea?

I have a bunch of very upset colleges here …

fwconsole pm2 --list

Do you see core-fastagi? If you do, fwconsole pm2 --restart core-fastagi and then do the --list command again to see whether it is running.

Turn the Launch through FastAGI server setting back on.

And lastly rebuild the dialplan with fwconsole r

[root@FreePBX ~]# fwconsole pm2 --list
±--------------------------±-----±-------±---------±----------------------- ±-----±---------+
| Process Name | PID | Status | Restarts | Uptime | CPU | Mem |
±--------------------------±-----±-------±---------±----------------------- ±-----±---------+
| core-calltransfer-monitor | 3102 | online | 0 | 42 minutes, 11 seconds | 0% | 31.15MB |
| ucp | 3191 | online | 0 | 42 minutes, 9 seconds | 0.1% | 54.23MB |
| xmpp | 3316 | online | 0 | 42 minutes, 5 seconds | 0.1% | 113.29MB |
±--------------------------±-----±-------±---------±----------------------- ±-----±---------+

fwconsole start and check again.

it won’t restart asterisk and won’t disrupt your calls.

[root@FreePBX ~]# fwconsole start
Asterisk already running
Running FreePBX startup…
Taking too long? Customize the chown command, See Sangoma Documentation
Setting Permissions…
Setting base permissions…Done in 2 seconds
Setting specific permissions…
83589 [============================]
Finished setting permissions
Unable to run Pre-Asterisk hooks, because Asterisk is already running on PID 2745 and has been running for 1 hour, 27 minutes, 52 seconds
Running Asterisk post from Core module
Starting Call Transfer Monitoring Service
Stopping Call Transfer Monitoring Service
Restarting Call Transfer Monitoring Service
Running Asterisk post from Dahdiconfig module
Running Asterisk post from Ucp module
UCP Node Server has already been running on PID 3191 for 1 hour, 27 minutes
Running Asterisk post from Xmpp module
Chat Server has already been running on PID 3316 for 1 hour, 27 minutes
[root@FreePBX ~]#
[root@FreePBX ~]# fwconsole pm2 --list
| Process Name | PID | Status | Restarts | Uptime | CPU | Mem |
| ucp | 3191 | online | 0 | 1 hour, 27 minutes | 0.1% | 55.80MB |
| xmpp | 3316 | online | 0 | 1 hour, 27 minutes | 0.1% | 114.17MB |
| core-calltransfer-monitor | 4592 | online | 0 | 18 seconds | 0% | 31.16MB |
[root@FreePBX ~]#

Did you re-enable this first?

Bill you are amazing! Thanks for all your great help!!

Yes, I had forgotten to turn the setting back on. All works fine now, even after rebooting.

No idea why core-fastagi did not start earlier. Now it does.

Just for info, a workaround was, of course, to start directly AGI(sipstation_sms.php, RECEIVE), but now everything works without a workaround.

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