Agent on phone shows available in other queues

I have FreePBX v15.0.37 Asterisk 18.9-cert4 and I have multiple queues configured with all static agents and
Agent Restriction = Extensions Only and
Skip Busy Agents = Yes + (ringinuse=no)
My understanding (and experience) is that the agent should show “busy” or “in use” in all queues if they are on the phone, however this does not appear to be working and I can’t find what button to click or config to fiddle to fix this:

# asterisk -rx 'queue show' | grep 6214
Agent 1001 (Local/6214@from-queue/n from hint:6214@ext-local) (ringinuse disabled) (Not in use) has taken 15 calls (last was 1696 secs ago) (login was 6579 secs ago)
Agent 1001 (Local/6214@from-queue/n from hint:6214@ext-local) (ringinuse disabled) (Not in use) has taken 15 calls (last was 1696 secs ago) (login was 6579 secs ago)
Agent 1001 (Local/6214@from-queue/n from hint:6214@ext-local) (ringinuse disabled) (Not in use) has taken 15 calls (last was 1696 secs ago) (login was 6579 secs ago)
Agent 1001 (Local/6214@from-queue/n from hint:6214@ext-local) (ringinuse disabled) (In use) has taken 15 calls (last was 1696 secs ago) (login was 6579 secs ago)
Agent 1001 (Local/6214@from-queue/n from hint:6214@ext-local) (ringinuse disabled) (Not in use) has taken 15 calls (last was 1696 secs ago) (login was 6579 secs ago)
Agent 1001 (Local/6214@from-queue/n from hint:6214@ext-local) (ringinuse disabled) (Not in use) has taken 15 calls (last was 1696 secs ago) (login was 6579 secs ago)

Any ideas why this agent shows “In use” on 4th queue and “Not in use” in the others?


What version of asterisk are you on?

Asterisk 18.9-cert4

That’s a known bug in that version of asterisk. You need to move away from the cetified version (unless you have a support contract with Sangoma) and change to the LTS version.

Thanks, @dobrosavljevic
I looked over the asterisk change logs and compared them to what I see with asterisk-version-switch and the only one that is a current asterisk version is 19, which the asterisk-version-switch says is EOL (even pops up EOL warning) when it is not actually EOL until 2023-11-02 according to Asterisk Versions - Asterisk Project - Asterisk Project Wiki. Looking at the change logs, it seems the changes we need are not in the Sangoma Repo except for 19.8.0 which was released 2023-01-12.
Does anyone know of issues with Asterisk 19.8.0?

The FreePBX 15 Distro supports Asterisk LTS versions 18 and 20.

I am honestly not sure what you are referencing here.

You want to be on the even number release cycles as those are LTS supported versions. Odd numbered are not. asterisk-verion-switch has an option for Asterisk 18 (LTS), which is currently on 18.16.0 and working great for us.

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