After install Distro Stable-2.210.62-4 Release Date-01-24-13

Hi, I have encounter a problem after installing the Freepbx Distro Stable-2.210.62-4 Release Date-01-24-13, after first bootup I received the massage " Testing for internet access , Some firstboot error occured, and the system is not properly setup. I can’t find much on the internet regarding this problem, I have pinged the from google and that tells me there should be internet, but when I try to access Freepbx on another pc I get to a Apache 2 Site not the FreePBX GUI.

Please help.

Thank you.

Check the logs in /var/log/pbx/install/

You can run the firstboot again /etc/pbx_first_boot

Hello. The same for me.

I have resolved that as a linux centos network problem.

Once I got back internet and network (I am not shure about 100% result)

I have manage to have development on that particular error.

The only progress I have is that i have message:

-testing internet access


-Cleaning up logging configuration
-Please wait while we install FreePBX GUI
This can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes **( it somehow did at first)
… Enabling Asterisk modules
… Loading all FreePBX modules

then fisrt boot error
system not properly setup.

Download completed, CD burned, install ongoing.

First problem: the grub install selection menu still reports the version as “-3”.

Shoddy and confusing.


#INCLUDING copyright michael potter 2008 is intended to reduce the problems associated with

using bash by turning on bash options that make errors more

apparent. This will not eliminate problems and I am sure there

is some case where some problem will be made worse.


set -o errexit # errexit first

  • set -o errexit
    set -o noclobber
  • set -o noclobber
    set -o nounset
  • set -o nounset
    set -o pipefail # if you fail on this line, get a newer version of bash.
  • set -o pipefail

function traperr
declare -i i;
declare -i nestlevel;
declare Message=${1:-""}


if (( $nestlevel <= 2 ))
echo “ERROR: ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]} $Message” >&2
echo “ERROR: ${FUNCNAME[1]}(${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:~${BASH_LINENO[0]}) $Message” >&2
for (( i = 2 ; i < $nestlevel ; i++ ))
echo " ${FUNCNAME[$i]}(${BASH_SOURCE[$i]}:~${BASH_LINENO[($i-1)]})" >&2

if BASH_SUBSHELL is 0, then script will exit anyway.

if (( $BASH_SUBSHELL >= 3 ))
kill $$
echo -e “Some firstboot error occured, and the system is not properly setup.\nCheck to see if you have internet access and re-run /etc/\nPress ctrl-alt-f1 to continue” >> /dev/tty8
exit 1

function traperrsimple

Use this function if the above function fails

echo “ERROR: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ${LINENO}” >&2

if BASH_SUBSHELL is 0, then script will exit anyway.

if (( $BASH_SUBSHELL >= 1 ))
kill $$

set -o errtrace

  • set -o errtrace
    trap traperr ERR
  • trap traperr ERR

function errexiton
set -o errexit
trap traperr ERR

function errexitoff
set +o errexit
trap ‘’ ERR

test for internet and send back to freepbx

log_info “Testing for internet access”

  • log_info ‘Testing for internet access’
  • echo ‘Testing for internet access’
    INTERFACE=$(ip route show | awk ’ /^default/ { print $5 }’)
    ip route show | awk ’ /^default/ { print $5 }’)
    ip route show | awk ’ /^default/ { print $5 }’
    ++ ip route show
    ++ awk ’ /^default/ { print $5 }’
  • INTERFACE=eth0
    MACADDR=$(ip -o link show ${INTERFACE} | awk ‘/link/ {print $13}’)
    ip -o link show ${INTERFACE} | awk ‘/link/ {print $13}’)
    ip -o link show ${INTERFACE} | awk ‘/link/ {print $13}’
    ++ ip -o link show eth0
    ++ awk ‘/link/ {print $13}’
  • MACADDR=00:10:b5:a6:52:33
    MACHASH=$(echo -en ${MACADDR} | md5sum - | awk ‘/-/ {print $1}’)
    echo -en ${MACADDR} | md5sum - | awk ‘/-/ {print $1}’)
    echo -en ${MACADDR} | md5sum - | awk ‘/-/ {print $1}’
    ++ echo -en 00:10:b5:a6:52:33
    ++ md5sum -
    ++ awk ‘/-/ {print $1}’
  • MACHASH=1110560438faa78cda42d450ce20072b
    ARCH=$(uname -m)
    uname -m)
    uname -m
    ++ uname -m
  • ARCH=i686
    FREEPBXVERS=$(head -n 1 /etc/schmooze/pbx-version)
    head -n 1 /etc/schmooze/pbx-version)
    head -n 1 /etc/schmooze/pbx-version
    ++ head -n 1 /etc/schmooze/pbx-version
  • FREEPBXVERS=2.210.62-4
    INSTALLTYPE=$(cat /installed-version | sed -e ‘s/.kickstart-([^.])./\1/’)
    cat /installed-version | sed -e 's/.kickstart-([^.]).
    cat /installed-version | sed -e ‘s/.kickstart-([^.])./\1/’
    ++ cat /installed-version
    ++ sed -e 's/.kickstart-([^.]).
  • INSTALLTYPE=raid-asterisk8
    UARETURN=$(curl -s -m 30 -A “FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-${FREEPBXVERS} ${ARCH} ${INSTALLTYPE}” --data mac=${MACADDR} --data mhash=${MACHASH}
    curl -s -m 30 -A “FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-${FREEPBXVERS} ${ARCH} ${INSTALLTYPE}” --data mac=${MACADDR} --data mhash=${MACHASH}
    curl -s -m 30 -A “FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-${FREEPBXVERS} ${ARCH} ${INSTALLTYPE}” --data mac=${MACADDR} --data mhash=${MACHASH}
    ++ curl -s -m 30 -A ‘FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-2.210.62-4 i686 raid-asterisk8’ --data mac=00:10:b5:a6:52:33 --data mhash=1110560438faa78cda42d450ce20072b
  • UARETURN=’{“status”:“passed”,“data”:{“ua”:“FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-2.210.62-4 i686 raid-asterisk8”,“ipaddr”:“”,“test”:0,“mac”:“00:10:b5:a6:52:33”,“mhash”:“1110560438faa78cda42d450ce20072b”}}’

echo ${UARETURN} | grep ‘passed’

  • grep passed
  • echo ‘{“status”:“passed”,“data”:{“ua”:"FreePBX’ Firstboot FreePBX-2.210.62-4 i686 ‘raid-asterisk8",“ipaddr”:“”,“test”:0,“mac”:“00:10:b5:a6:52:33”,“mhash”:“1110560438faa78cda42d450ce20072b”}}’
    {“status”:“passed”,“data”:{“ua”:“FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-2.210.62-4 i686 raid-asterisk8”,“ipaddr”:“”,“test”:0,“mac”:“00:10:b5:a6:52:33”,“mhash”:“1110560438faa78cda42d450ce20072b”}}

known good return{“status”:“passed”,“data”:{“ua”:“FreePBX Firstboot FreePBX-1.810.210.57 i386 raid”,“ipaddr”:“”,“mac”:“00:13:e8:dc:ba:47”,“mhash”:“b95057354699ec012de93ac1b833ffd4”,“test”:1}}


  • errexitoff
  • set +o errexit
  • trap ‘’ ERR

Setup logger

remove logger.conf so FreePBX 2.10 can symlink to it

log_info “Cleaning up logging configuration”

  • log_info ‘Cleaning up logging configuration’
  • echo 'Cleaning up logging configuration’
    rm -rf /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
  • rm -rf /etc/asterisk/logger.conf

Install FreePBX RPM

log_info “Please wait while we install FreePBX GUI”

  • log_info ‘Please wait while we install FreePBX GUI’
  • echo 'Please wait while we install FreePBX GUI’
    log_info " This can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes"
  • log_info ’ This can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes’
  • echo ’ This can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes’
    /usr/bin/yum -q -y install freepbx-2.10.0* freepbxdistro-header-2.10.0*
  • /usr/bin/yum -q -y install ‘freepbx-2.10.0*’ ‘freepbxdistro-header-2.10.0*’
    /usr/lib/yum-plugins/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
    from sets import Set, ImmutableSet
    Package freepbx-2.10.0-99.noarch already installed and latest version
    Package freepbxdistro-header-2.10.0-5.noarch already installed and latest version

Enable modules that in 2.10 are not being enabled from the RPM

log_info " … Enabling Asterisk modules"

  • log_info ’ … Enabling Asterisk modules’
  • echo ’ … Enabling Asterisk modules’
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin enable fw_ari
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin enable fw_ari
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin enable framework
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin enable framework
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin disable userpaneltab
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin disable userpaneltab
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin disable fw_fop
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin disable fw_fop
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin reload
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin reload
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found

pull in all freepbx modules and load them

log_info " … Loading all FreePBX modules"

  • log_info ’ … Loading all FreePBX modules’
  • echo ’ … Loading all FreePBX modules’
    which amportal chown
    which amportal
    ++ which amportal
    which: no amportal in (/usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
  • chown
    chown: missing operand
    Try `chown --help’ for more information.
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin installlocal
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin installlocal
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin upgradeall
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin upgradeall
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin uninstall backup
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin uninstall backup
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin install backup
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin install backup
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin installlocal
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin installlocal
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin upgradeall
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin upgradeall
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin reload
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin reload
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin download sysadmin
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin download sysadmin
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin install sysadmin
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin install sysadmin
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin install sysadmin
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin install sysadmin
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf: command not found
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin reload
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin reload
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin: command not found
  • errexiton
  • set -o errexit
  • trap traperr ERR

Sysadmin RPM for Sysadmin Module Moved to Firstboot or we can create the incrontab

/usr/bin/yum -q -y install sysadmin-*

  • /usr/bin/yum -q -y install ‘sysadmin-*’
    /usr/lib/yum-plugins/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
    from sets import Set, ImmutableSet
    Package sysadmin-2.6.1-118_centos6.noarch already installed and latest version

Install dahdi.conf file

/usr/bin/yum -q -y install schmooze-dahdi-*

  • /usr/bin/yum -q -y install ‘schmooze-dahdi-*’
    /usr/lib/yum-plugins/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
    from sets import Set, ImmutableSet
    Package schmooze-dahdi-1.0.0-2.noarch already installed and latest version

Install wanpipe for Sangoma Cards

/usr/bin/yum -q -y install wanpipe-*

  • /usr/bin/yum -q -y install ‘wanpipe-*’
    /usr/lib/yum-plugins/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
    from sets import Set, ImmutableSet
    Package wanpipe- already installed and latest version

Install iSymphony

/usr/bin/yum -q -y install iSymphonyServer-fpbx-*

  • /usr/bin/yum -q -y install ‘iSymphonyServer-fpbx-*’
    /usr/lib/yum-plugins/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
    from sets import Set, ImmutableSet
    Package iSymphonyServer-fpbx-2.7.1_3989-1.noarch already installed and latest version
    sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
  • sudo -u asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
    sudo: /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf: command not found
    ++ traperr
    ++ declare -i i
    ++ declare -i nestlevel
    ++ declare Message=
    ++ nestlevel=2
    ++ (( 2 <= 2 ))
    ++ echo 'ERROR: '
    ++ (( 0 >= 3 ))
    ++ echo -e ‘Some firstboot error occured, and the system is not properly setup.\nCheck to see if you have internet access and re-run /etc/\nPress ctrl-alt-f1 to continue’
    ++ exit 1


Installing from the same latest distro CD a 2.10 FreePBX with Asterisk 10.

The whole /var/lib/asterisk/bin directory is missing.

Symlinked it to /usr/src/freepbx-2.10./amp_conf/bin just for fun, relaunched /etc/ and the log now says that /etc/asterisk/freepbx.conf is missing.

What a mess.

Some crucial previous steps are missing. Has anybody tried to install from this Distro image on bare metal before releasing it?

I’ve wasted a good two hours on this.

I’ve found out to my disdain that there are ISOs of a -5 version released on 24 Jan 2013, and that the -4 (probably a buggy one) was released on 21 Jan 2013.

As per subject, if the -5 corrects the install problems of the -4 change the link in the download page IMMEDIATELY please.

I’m now 4 minutes away from the full download of the -5 ISO that I’m burning immediately and installing on bare metal in due course.

I’ll be back with feedback ASAP.

Installation almost completed.

When Anaconda finishes installing packages and the progress bar is at 100%, it sits there for a good minute: there’s a lot of unknown disk activity without an indication of what’s going on. Please give feedback, a 100% completed progress bar that sits there for a minute smells of impending doom.

Last outrageous problem, the procedure ejects the disk when finished - nice touch - but then reboots without user intervention.

On any normal CD drive, on reboot the drawer is closed back and at the end the system reboots from the CD.

I have resolved the problem keeping the drive at a 90+ degrees angle, so when it pops out the CD falls off.

Otherwise, you should give people proper instructions to set the HD as first boot device, and boot manually from the CD for the install - if the BIOS offers a manual boot device selection menu.

Stopping when the CD is out and waiting with a prompt for manual intervention before rebooting would solve the problem at the root.

Install completed, error is the same.

Asterisk is bombing out on TTY1 with an exit status 132 on error 4, and endlessly looping with restart attempts.

The /var/log/pbx/firstboot.log laments the absence of /var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin.

In fact, the whole /var/lib/asterisk/bin is missing.


Going back to the 1.8xx distro, that at least was installing.


Now even the 1.8xx doesn’t install

You have seriously cocked up the whole distro, and the repositories.

What a bunch of incompetents!

Sad to see this once good distro ending down the drain, I guess free is too good to be true.

So long.

I am not sure what you issue is but I just installed the -5 and it worked fine. I am fixing the download page now as the -4 should not have been published and I thought the download page was fixed Friday for that already.

As far as the old 1.8xx not sure as I have not tried installing those in months.

But hey thanks for yelling at me and calling me an idiot.


seriously … you’ve been a member on this forum for over 5 years, yet the first time you ever contribute ANYTHING back to this forum, you rant and rage and throw insults around about an issue which was reported yesterday, Saturday I’ll point out, and has had response and people looking into it already (Sunday). And it’s not even clear whether the problems you are running into on the older releases are related to your specific system or not.

So … how about a little bit of civility here for the contributors who spend hundreds of hours a year contributing great things to this project and when mistakes get made that ALL OF US make at one time or another, are immediately on top of tracking and resolving them.

If you can’t do that, and feel you need to throw around insults, please find another forum to do it in.

Thank you,


The download site has been updated with the correct version. Sorry the -4 got put on the download site. I thought that was resolved Friday when it was reported to me on IRC and I remember updating the download site with -5 but I think I forgot to check the changes into GIT so they got reverted.

Anyways 2.210.62-5 and 3.211.63-5 both install just fine for me and I just tested again so I think your issue with -5 plus stating you can not install the older 1.8xx tells me you have a hardware issue.


Really ???
There is no need at all for this enitre post.
Simple posting of this "this doens’t work " and “what i have done to try and make it work” and “what was the outcome” is enough.
This is the reason why so many distros end in flames is because people flame the absolute crap out of the guys who spend their time (often voluntarily) when they either make a mistake or for problems that are made by the installer themselves.
The only problems i ahve come across in installing this distro since moving away from trixbox was when i was mucking around with a beta. All i did then was put in a post a bout what was missing and what i did to resolve for other peole to follow.
I undestand you are annoyed at losing a couple of hours but unless it was life threatening, was it really a cause for such a rant???
And if having a pbx down for a couple of hours is life threatening you should really have better upgrade systems and backups in place.
Anyhow, my 2c.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big “Thank You” to ALL the people who make this a great product both paid and unpaid.


How not to ask for assistance or point out problems with the software on the forum… Do not address the people that freely build the product that you build your business with and make a profit from in the following manner. It will not be taken well.

+1 for this :slight_smile:

I have edited /etc/resolv.conf and entered my DNS “nameserver” and that fixed it. But now I have another problem, but will discuss on new thread.


This thread is getting out of control.

Please contructively tell me which last version you know is well and ok

and you are confident about, in the archive?


  • I like you captcha !

I have noticed that first DISTRO is 700mb and -4 is 500mb ?!