After automatically upgraded to fix security issues: SEC-2023-001(Sangoma PBXAct 400). Four modules stopped working (backup, cdr, endpoint, restapps) and Apply button

After automatically upgraded to fix security issues: SEC-2023-001 (Sangoma PBXAct 60). Four modules stopped working (backup, cdr, endpoint, restapps). When trying to enter updates, he receives an error message:

Exception (404)
Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Cdr’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install cdr 2) fwconsole ma enable cdr

If I try to update the module by SSH I am getting the following error message:

fwconsole ma install cdr
Detectado Dependencia Fallida de: backup 15.0.22
Bajando Dependencias Faltantes de: backup 15.0.22
Processing backup
Verifying local module download…Verified
Module backup successfully downloaded
Detectado Dependencia Fallida de: filestore 15.0.4
Bajando Dependencias Faltantes de: filestore 15.0.4
Processing filestore
2016200/2016200 [============================] 100%
Finished downloading
Module filestore successfully downloaded
Instalando Dependencias Fallidas de : filestore 15.0.4
Generando Css…Hecho
Instalada Dependencia Fallida de: filestore 15.0.4
Instalando Dependencias Fallidas de : backup 15.0.22
El error(s) siguiente ha ocurrido:

  • Se requiere FreePBX versión 15.0.23 o superior, usted tiene
    Unable to resolve dependencies for module cdr
    Actualizando ganchos (hooks)…Hecho
    Chowning directories…
    In Self_Helper.class.php line 212:

Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Cdr’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run f
rom the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install cdr 2) fwconsole ma enable cdr

Is there any solution for this?
I would not like to run upgradeall due productions system, I just need that the customer can continue with their daily basis

The backup module needs to be installed as a dependency but cannot because you need to update your FreePBX version.

fwconsole ma update framework

Thanks, yes, I figured out that I had to update framework first and then all modules,
Thanks for you reply


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