Admin account missing functions

I bought a Sangoma appliance as I’ve been testing Freepbx successfully on my test rig and wanted a more robust bit of hardware.

I’m hitting a few issues. The main one is the user management. I have an account called admin which is missing some off the functionality… like I cannot seem to add any extensions as the new extension tab is missing.Also in the user manager section I cannot add any users either.

If I go into administrators I get the warning about Authorization Type is set to ‘usermanager’ but I can add users… giver them all the permissions but there isnt a menu bar at the top. I get all the graphs on the homepage but no menu and if I do a search I get Module Not Found.

In the user manager the admin account is in the PBX Internal Directory with description Autogenerated user on new device creation and the administrative access is set to 127 (all).

I’m stumped… can anyone help please.

I’ve updated everything on the box

Just found a roundabout way to add a user and got an error console with

Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_ERROR)

Call to a member function addUser() on null

Click Here Report this to the PBX bug tracker

Please uninstall userman and reinstall. I hope it will help you out.

Do I do this in the GUI?

Its asking me to disable loads of others before I can.Should I try this?

User Management cannot be uninstalled because the following modules depend on it:


Please disable those modules first then try again.

fwconsole ma uninstall userman -f
fwconsole ma downloadinstall userman -f
fwconsole reload


I’ve run these commands which reinstalled userman but its still nto working. Logging in as admin doesnt give a top menu and if I do a search I still get

Module Not Found

We are unable to find any information on the module you are looking for.


fwconsole chown

No sorry, I might just reinstall it. I have hardly any data on it and there’s too many things going strange with it.

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