Additional.conf doing include xxxxx-custom - any examples of the -custom piece?

first off, i’m probably dumber than your local rock. I cannot figure this out, and can’t find any examples.

What I want to do is extend one of the standard freepbx macros/subs slightly. I was hoping that the include of xxxxx-custom would be the correct way to do it, but I cannot figure out what should go in the xxxxx-custom file. In my case, sub-send-obroute-email; I’d like to so something EXTRA in the -custom piece that is included. What should that macro/sub look like? (I’m in the middle of upgrading 3 systems, so macro/sub).

My alternative - almost working correctly - overrides the macro. I’d prefer not to do that, but if that’s the correct/only way, ok. But… if so… what CAN one do in the xxxx-custom piece? Really looking for good examples. Google has not been my friend today.

That isn’t how custom works. It will include the custom context but if there is already a match in the context it won’t look at the include=> line.

Thanks. I wish then that these sub-pieces that pull in these includes would have custom subroutine prehooks like the predial hook. It would still be nice to see real examples.

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