Adding file to backup

Agree with Tom. There should a list of new features, as well as a list of features that have been removed/deprecated.

Happened to some users who upgraded from 13 to 14 when the Queue* and Queue** feature codes were removed, and people only found out once the system was already in production, cuz who tests all feature codes prior putting a system into production?..

I did not put anything on the issue tracker. It is not really a bug. I was told to raise a feature request and I did this. There is no link to vote.

I did not find any so far. If anybody knows one, please let me know!

Do I understand that correct, that any modification outside FreePBX gets lost on Backup/Restore so one can after a crash not install a distro and restore a backup and have a fully working system again?

Is there any way to create a fake module so that the custom files get backed up?

I am scared to tell my boss that we do now not have a full backup anymore.

IIRC, one of the selling points of the new B/R module was that additional ‘sections’ were managed by additional modules, so that each module could add its important files to the backup without having to add a bunch of independent flotsam to the system.

If that’s the case, the right answer might be for someone to write a wiki on “adding backup/restore controls to your custom module”. Knowing what methods and controls are available to allow access to B/R without having to actually modify B/R would be a really awesome addition.

I see now that the Wiki was updated and it’s now asking users to send an email VS submitting via the issue tracker.

I did extend James F bit on files with examples it’s here if you are interested.


Thank you so much! I did not see this before.

I could change it so that it reads from its own config file.

Will the module somehow be backed up?

You install this module and then that appears in your list of modules to backup to select

I am not sure if we are talking about the same. I understand that I have to install the module to “activate” it. I know I can sign it locally.

But in the module code I see nothing that backs up the module itself. So, if I after a crash install a new distro and restore from a backup, will the module be there?

fwconsole bu --Implemented
does not work for me.

announcement: Backup & Restore FreePBX 15+ – Adding support for custom files or directories

Backup module ver (now in edge) adds the ability to define custom files and directories to include in a 15 backup.


Thank you Lorne!

Amazing! This works great!

Lest anyone think I had anything to do with this feature personally, this was the work of the dev team @mmishra and @kgupta1 probably others.

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Nice. What about the pre and post hooks?

“Thanks Poseidon, but when the wave grabbed him he was wearing a hat…”

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Thank you Lorne for pointing it out!

Thanks to the whole team for the fast solution!

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It’s on the list.

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Thank you, Mohit Mishra! This works like a charm!


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