Add a custom field in AOR files

Hi All ,

I am trying to add a custom field for the AOR to be added to any newly created extension , is there any way to make this ?

Thank You !

Please explain “custom field”, and “extension”. Even in FreePBX extension doubles as meaning endpoint, not AOR.

I want to add support_path setting to any created extension/endpoint I mean

FreePBX provides *custom.conf files for many asterisk conf files so you can add your own params for those not settable in the GUI. For this you would locate the files


Note the header in pjsip_aor.conf, you can’t edit it directly. You are going to locate the section(s) for the extensions you want to change and then recreate them in pjsip_aor_custom.conf using the format:


You can check your work at the Asterisk CLI by looking at the changes. Before reload:

uc-68246819*CLI> pjsip show aor 7003

      Aor:  7003                                                 6

 ParameterName        : ParameterValue
 support_path         : false

uc-68246819*CLI> core reload
uc-68246819*CLI> pjsip show aor 7003

      Aor:  7003                                                 6

 ParameterName        : ParameterValue
 support_path         : true

Yes , I know that , but when a new extension/endpoint will be created this option will not be shown and I need to do it manually . I am asking if there any template or global info for the AOR so I can set this field into it

Currently, no. This would require feature updates on PJSIP configuration in FreePBX.

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