About the Digium category

Discussions about Digium’s commercial products to include cards, telephones, gateways and more. Digium was acquired by Sangoma in 2018.

Digium, Inc., the primary sponsor of the Asterisk project, provides a number of commercial offerings around Asterisk. These offerings include digital and analog PSTN interconnection cards for computers, IP telephone sets, stand-alone VoIP gateways and more. If you’d like to discuss something involving one of our commercial product offerings, this is the category for you!

All new Digium commercial products are provided with support directly from Digium. So, if you’re looking for support from Digium, we invite you to use our official Support channels that can be accessed via:


You might also have luck by browsing the Digium knowledge-base at:


This forum is a community resource where discussions are likely to be lead by other members within the community. While Digium staff might pop in from time-to-time, please do contact us directly for a support inquiry, as we wouldn’t want your queries about commercial products lingering.

If you have purchased a Digium product, we thank you for your patronage, as the income we receive helps us to continue to make bug fixes, create new features and support the infrastructure necessary to further the Asterisk project.

With that said, let’s have some great discussions. :smiley: