408 timeout error Zoiper setup with FreePBX 17

I am trying to configure FreePBX 17 on Zoiper lite IOS but every time I do it I receive a 408 error. I am trying to configure locally, I don’t know what ports to open or use, I disabled firewall, I’ve tried looking and I can’t find anything spot on, please help.

What if anything appears in the Asterisk log when Zoiper attempts to register?
If nothing, run sngrep and report what if anything appears when Zoiper attempts to register?
If also nothing, please confirm your Zoiper setup:
(where is the local IP address of your PBX and 5060 is the value of Port to Listen On in Asterisk SIP Settings, pjsip tab)
Username: (matches the pjsip extension you created in FreePBX)
Password: (matches the value of Secret for the extension)

I checked the asterisk logs last night and it said it failed to authenticate, I tried to open port 5060 but its still closed and it is being used by asterisk

Surely there was more than three words in the log. For example, it probably mentioned the extension number and channel type. If you can’t figure it out, please post the complete message. A screenshot of the Zoiper settings would also be useful.

We’d actually need to see a PCAP/debug of the register attempt. 408 timeout means that either Asterisk didn’t respond or Asterisk did but the client never got the response but it should also be attempting retries. At some point the client gives up due to no response and throws the 408. If the zoiper was attempting to register and failed and the reply made it back to Zoiper it would be a 403.

So either Zoiper sent the REGISTER, got a 401 back, sent another REGISTER with creds and failed to get the 403 reply for failed authentication…OR…Zoiper sent the REGISTER, never got the 401 back and attempted to REGISTER again and still never got the 401 back.

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