13 to 16 migration

I have a quite large configuration in a machine I want to import in a new 16 machine.
Can a 13 backup can be restored into 16 version ?

Should I update 13 to 14 to 15 at least to backup and restore ?

You should really just do a backup and restore direct instead of trying to upgrade

Edit: I’ve gone through the upgrade process multiple times from 13 to 16. I’ve even done it from 2.10 and 2.11 all the way to 16. It’s not worth it.


Yes you should be able to restore direct to 16. The restore functionality in 16 can go quite a few versions back and so far, with only a few minor easily correctable exceptions, it’s worked great for us.

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I updated a few version 13-14 machines with backup and restore to a new machine on version 16 and it worked every time.

I forgot to add: Make sure you commercial modules are still covered for maintenance and also make sure that you have a Zend Reset remaining.

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