Trouble getting fail2ban to work

I’ve set it up using a conglomeration of various guides online, but can’t get it to ban still. Some key pieces:

  1. When I ban manually using iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP it works fine
  2. iptables -nL only reveals the IP I manually banned above under DROP
  3. My jail.conf file contains the following for asterisk:


port     = 5060,5061
action   = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-tcp, port="%(port)s", protocol="tcp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-tcp]
           %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-udp, port="%(port)s", protocol="udp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-udp]
           %(mta)s-whois[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s"]
logpath  = /var/log/asterisk/messages
maxretry = 10

enabled  = true
filter   = asterisk
action   = iptables-allports[name=ASTERISK, protocol=all]
sendmail-whois[name=ASTERISK, [email protected], [email protected]]
logpath  = /var/log/asterisk/full
maxretry = 5
bantime = 86400
  1. My /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/asterisk.conf file is as follows:


# Read common prefixes. If any customizations available -- read them from
# common.local
before = common.conf


_daemon = asterisk

__pid_re = (?:\[\d+\])

iso8601 = \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+[+-]\d{4}

# All Asterisk log messages begin like this:
log_prefix= (?:NOTICE|SECURITY|WARNING)%(__pid_re)s:?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? [^:]+:\d*( in \w+:)?

failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s Registration from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>(:\d+)?' - (Wrong password|Username/auth name mismatch|No matching peer found|Not a local domain|Device does not match ACL|Peer is not supposed to register|ACL error \(permit/deny\)|Not a local domain)$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s Call from '[^']*' \(<HOST>:\d+\) to extension '[^']*' rejected because extension not found in context
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s Host <HOST> failed to authenticate as '[^']*'$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s No registration for peer '[^']*' \(from <HOST>\)$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s Host <HOST> failed MD5 authentication for '[^']*' \([^)]+\)$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s Failed to authenticate (user|device) [^@]+@<HOST>\S*$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s hacking attempt detected '<HOST>'$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s SecurityEvent="(FailedACL|InvalidAccountID|ChallengeResponseFailed|InvalidPassword)",EventTV="([\d-]+|%(iso8601)s)",Severity="[\w]+",Service="[\w]+",EventVersion="\d+",AccountID="(\d*|<unknown>)",SessionID=".+",LocalAddress="IPV[46]/(UDP|TCP|WS)/[\da-fA-F:.]+/\d+",RemoteAddress="IPV[46]/(UDP|TCP|WS)/<HOST>/\d+"(,Challenge="[\w/]+")?(,ReceivedChallenge="\w+")?(,Response="\w+",ExpectedResponse="\w*")?(,ReceivedHash="[\da-f]+")?(,ACLName="\w+")?$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s "Rejecting unknown SIP connection from <HOST>"$
            ^%(__prefix_line)s%(log_prefix)s Request (?:'[^']*' )?from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>(?::\d+)?'\s\(callid: [^\)]*\) - (?:No matching endpoint found|Not match Endpoint(?: Contact)? ACL|(?:Failed|Error) to authenticate)\s*$

ignoreregex =

# Author: Xavier Devlamynck / Daniel Black
# General log format - main/logger.c:ast_log
# Address format - ast_sockaddr_stringify
# First regex: channels/chan_sip.c
# main/logger.c:ast_log_vsyslog - "in {functionname}:" only occurs in syslog\
  1. Processing my existing log produces this (and no bans from what I can tell):

fail2ban-regex /var/log/asterisk/full /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/asterisk.conf

Running tests

Use   failregex filter file : asterisk, basedir: /etc/fail2ban
Use         log file : /var/log/asterisk/full
Use         encoding : UTF-8


Failregex: 1122 total
|-  #) [# of hits] regular expression
|   1) [638] ^(?:\[\])?\s*(?:<[^.]+\.[^.]+>\s+)?(?:\S+\s+)?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\]\s+)?(?:@vserver_\S+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?asterisk(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?asterisk(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)\s+)?(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\]\s+)?(?:NOTICE|SECURITY|WARNING)(?:\[\d+\]):?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? [^:]+:\d*( in \w+:)? Registration from '[^']*' failed for '<HOST>(:\d+)?' - (Wrong password|Username/auth name mismatch|No matching peer found|Not a local domain|Device does not match ACL|Peer is not supposed to register|ACL error \(permit/deny\)|Not a local domain)$
|   6) [468] ^(?:\[\])?\s*(?:<[^.]+\.[^.]+>\s+)?(?:\S+\s+)?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\]\s+)?(?:@vserver_\S+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?asterisk(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?asterisk(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)\s+)?(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\]\s+)?(?:NOTICE|SECURITY|WARNING)(?:\[\d+\]):?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? [^:]+:\d*( in \w+:)? Failed to authenticate (user|device) [^@]+@<HOST>\S*$
|   9) [16] ^(?:\[\])?\s*(?:<[^.]+\.[^.]+>\s+)?(?:\S+\s+)?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\]\s+)?(?:@vserver_\S+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?asterisk(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?asterisk(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)\s+)?(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\]\s+)?(?:NOTICE|SECURITY|WARNING)(?:\[\d+\]):?(?:\[C-[\da-f]*\])? [^:]+:\d*( in \w+:)? "Rejecting unknown SIP connection from <HOST>"$

Ignoreregex: 0 total

Date template hits:
|- [# of hits] date format
|  [217170] Year(?P<_sep>[-/.])Month(?P=_sep)Day 24hour:Minute:Second(?:,Microseconds)?
|  [15] (?:DAY )?MON Day 24hour:Minute:Second(?:\.Microseconds)?(?: Year)?

Lines: 217212 lines, 0 ignored, 1122 matched, 216090 missed
[processed in 62.98 sec]

Thoughts on where to begin?

@xrobau is the firewall guru.

It seems to me that you have to use different rules for them to work the FreePBX. Rob knows all - all I’m really trying to do is summon him on the outside chance he has a few minutes to fix something it would probably take me a couple hours to figure out.

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Thanks Dave, appreciate you grabbing him. Even the most current freepbx/fail2ban guide I found is still outdated (config file examples are mostly different), so I wouldn’t be surprised.