[SOLVED] Asterisk 13...can't pickup parked call


I’ve got a new Freepbx install (asterisk 13). I have a couple issues with parking calls. In general call parking seems flakey sometimes calls get dropped when you try to unpark them etc. But one problem that it seems I’m having consistently is that if I place an outbound call, the call is answered, and then I park it…the call cannot be unparked.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I found a somewhat similar issue where the resolution was to remove spaces from the trunk name. I tried this, but it didn’t help.


Does it matter if you a using feature codes to park pickup vs rest apps? Did you make sure the feature is enabled for the extension and in any other places that may need it such as class of service module?

Also are you using chan_sip or chan_pjsip for your sip needs?

Hi mulderlr,

I’m just using the feature codes. I don’t have any of the commericial addons so I don’t have the rest apps or class of service module. Are you saying that I have to have those modules in order for parking to work?

I am using chan_pjsip for my internal extensions and chan_sip for my trunks.


Not saying anything yet :wink: I would test park and pickup with chan_sip extensions to test and see if you have the same issue.

Interesting, I’ll give it a shot (probably early next week) and get back to you. Thanks much for your time.



I just tried parking/unparking from a chan_sip extension and am getting the same behavior…I can park, but can’t unpark an outbound call.



On further investigation it seems to happen on both incoming and outgoing calls using a specific trunk…I will take it up with the trunk provider.

On a side note, are you suggesting that pjsip may not be production ready yet?


Can’t imagine this has anything to do with the trunk provider. Check out this bug report, including the comments and see if it matches your situation:

Hi lgaetz,

Thanks for the tip. I had seen that issue before and tried removing spaces, but saw no improvement. I just had another look and noticed in the console that the spaces were still present. That lead me to realize that the name that need spaces removed was the Trunk Name on the Sip Settings tab, not the General Tab of the trunk.

Thanks guys for your help!

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