Management vsftpd FreePBX

I need access to / var / www / html /

there is an optimum configuration to enable writing to keep the rights to the files in place

I’ll access always with a user for example user " claudio "

I tried it but it looks ok I think it’s a matter of chroot and permits

anonymous_enable = no
local_enable = YES
write_enable = YES
local_umask = 022
file_open_mode = 0755
xferlog_enable = YES
connect_from_port_20 = YES
xferlog_file = / var / log / xferlog
xferlog std format = YES
async_abor_enable = YES
listen = YES
pam_service_name = vsftpd
tcp_wrappers = YES
max_clients = 20
max_per_ip = 5
userlist_deny = no
local_root = / var / www / html /

Perhaps the ideal would be accessed with linux user “asterisk” to keep in place the file rights …
But the user’s password linux “asterisk” as is?
I do not know if I’m thinking well …