Manage Prefixes inside the same company for each project


I want to implement a server with phone numbers for each project in different places. this way there are the folowing places in the same company:

  • Headquarters;
  • Metro;
  • Hospital;
  • Factory.

For each one I have the following prefixes respectively (always 5 numbers):

  • 43237;
  • 63876;
  • 46774;

This numbers represent the characters in the keypad, M=6, E=3, T=8, R=7, O=6.

In each project there are numbers per Team with no more than 5 single numbers (5 or less numbers), in the following way:

  • RH = 74;
  • HSE = 473;
  • COSTS = 26787.

What I want is that when I want to call RH inside the same project I only need to type 74, but if I want to call someone outside my poject, for instance, if I’m at METRO and need to call HSE of FACTORY I call 32286 473! If I call only 473 it should translate to 63876 473, because I’m at METRO.

Is it possible to do that in FreePBX?
