Inbound Rules Help Please

Hopefully, this is a quick, and easy answer - I’ve searched, but not found a working answer.

I don’t want to be bothered by incoming calls with no CID
I’ve created an announcement to play a suitable message, but when i try and create an inbound route what do i put in the CID Field ?

If i hover over - it says it you can also put Private, Blocked, Unknown, Restricted, Anonymous and
Unavailable in order to catch these special cases if the Telco transmits them.

But when i try to do so - i get the error - CIDNUM can only be numbers, A-D, * and #. DID may also start with a +

I can’t see a way that CID superfecta, can weed these calls out - and i don’t like the privacy option either really.

Surely, i should be able to set an inbound route to catch, and dispose of these calls ?

Watch this ticket:

Morning, the ticket now says resolve by a newer version of core - but when i check modules, the new versions isn’t showing - am i missing a step ?

Modules in 13 are published to the ‘Edge’ repo for testing prior to being published to the standard repo. You can update to 13.0.91 by:

fwconsole ma --edge upgrade core

That great thank you - i’d read about the Edge Track - but couldn’t work out how to use it !
I’ll update now :-)(

Hmm - i must be missing something, or not understanding ?

Core is upgraded to 13.0.91

But still errors when trying to use Private as CID ?

The ticket linked above was created for a slightly different issue with using dial patterns. I piggybacked it with the issue in this thread by a subsequent comment, but it was probably overlooked.

@jfinstrom can you comment?

Handled, in QA

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I’ve upgraded the core to version 13.0.92
I can now put the word anonymous (which is what is displayed when i dial in and withold my CLI_
into the Caller ID Number field.

So i have created an inbound Rule for all DDI’s where the Caller Id Field = Anonymous

Yet when i make a call in - the call follows the inbound rule for the specific DDI that i dialed

Am i misunderstanding how i expect this to work ? or more likely am i missing something -

In this route change CID priority route to yes.


Thnks for taking time to reply- I’ve tried changing the CID Priority - but it still follows the inbound rule for the DDI

Heh, don’t remember exaclty how it was configured always it was giving me a headache. Try to set also the any did/cid as a CID priority rooute, might work

Check your /var/log/asterisk/full file and see what the incoming CID actually is. IIRC, the entry is case sensitive, so “ANONYMOUS” and “anonymous” might be different.

  • If you have a route with a DID set and no CID set, any incoming calls for that number will take that route.
  • If you have a route with a CID set and no DID set, all calls that match that CID should take that route UNLESS they match the incoming DID route or CID Priority Route is NOT turned on.
  • If you have a route with no DID and no CID, any incoming call that doesn’t match another route will be processed.

I find that setting both the CID and DID fields is usually overkill.

So, in my special world, I have my CID routes set with “CID Priority Route” always on. This way, they are always processed first and the Caller ID entries get processed. I don’t turn on the DID unless absolutely required.

Next, the DID entries are processed (since none matched the priority CID entries).

After that, I have my “Any/Any” route that catches all of the ‘odd’ calls that might wander in.

Thanks very much for the helpful advice, i’ve now got it all sorted :grinning:

My sip provider helpfully changes the CID from anonymous to unknown, depending on whether the call is coming from a landline, or a mobile !

I too now have my inbound rules ordered the same way - CID routes with Priority Enabled, followed by Routes for specific DDI’s