FreePBX on OpenBSD


I am trying to install freepbx on my OpenBSD box. Since there is neither a package nor a port, I am using the source. However, when I try to install freepbx with

sh install_amp

I get these messages and nothing happens

install_amp[2]: cannot open ?php: No such file or directory
install_amp[4]: syntax error: `“AMP_CONF”,’ unexpected

What is the problem there?


FreePBX is not supported on OpenBSD so you will likely find issues and probably not a lot of people able to respond although you are more then welcome to post and see if someone does. My suggestions though, would be to pick a distro that people are using.


Yes, I already figured out that OpenBSD is not widely used for FreePBX but my server running Asterisk and other applications uses OpenBSD.

When I try to install FreePBX with the script I get this

sh install_amp

install_amp[2]: cannot open ?php: No such file or directory
install_amp[4]: syntax error: `“AMP_CONF”,’ unexpected

This doesn’t tell me what the problem is? PHP is running and working. I checked that.


he would have told you. i think he was also pretty clear that people are not likely to know the answer to your problem.

This thread is 8 years old