FreePBX 14 VPN remote phone problem

Happy New Year everyone - hope it was lots of fun.

Wonder if anyone has run into the same issue I’m having or can point me in a meaningful direction. An installation with FPBX14 seems to be giving me trouble with remote phones via the built-in VPN (included with SysAdmin Pro commercial module). I’ve spent easily 10 hours on this issue without any success. The closest I’ve come is having the S500 phone retrieve it’s configuration and indicate that the VPN is active but not actually register the extension.

On the S500 > Home > Status page shows a VPN address of

Troubleshooting a bit with the VPN on the server yielded these results:
systemctl --list-unit-files
[email protected] disabled
[email protected] disabled
[email protected] enabled

systemctl status [email protected]
[email protected] - OpenVPN Robust And Highly Flexible Tunneling Application On server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2017-12-24 13:43:46 PST; 1min 45s ago
Process: 13804 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/openvpn --cd /etc/openvpn/ --config %i.conf (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 13804 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

This led me to believe that the VPN is not actually running on the PBX but I don’t know if that’s true.

Digging into the configuration directories appears to show that the proper files are where they should be but I can’t verify that the contents are as they should be.

All system and module updates are installed and system has been rebooted multiple times.

I’ve worked successfully with with VPN on PBX13 and it works well though it was troublesome in the beginning before several update iterations.

I’m literally at my wits’ end and don’t know what else to do. Any help anyone can offer would be much appreciated. Client is upset that the remote phone is not yet working after 3 weeks.

I’ve also opened a ticket with Sangoma for Commercial Module support.


I don’t know if the VPN server is running or not for yours, but my issue that I posted here on the forums: (Only EPM “custom” provisioning address works, not “external”) was that it seems there is a bug with FreePBX not actually redirecting to the external IP in the EPM settings when you select the “External” option. No one has replied. My fix, after many many hours of troubleshooting, was to MANUALLY specify the external address in the “Custom” field. After that, the phones successfully grabbed the provisioning and VPN correctly

Thanks Izzy - appreciate the response.

I seem to have had some success with using the external custom field but not all the way. My problem seems to be very similar to yours but I’ll know more after reading through all of the linked posts and trying anything new.

Also, do you have a LetsEncrypt cert created for VPN or are you using the built-in self-signed?


No problem I understand the whole customer not happy thing and all the pressure with that. Especially trying to figure something out that doesn’t make sense. Hmm yeah I’m using the build-in cert. Make sure it’s “http://username:password@external_IP:84” or https with the correct port number. The reason I say that is because after all my initial troubleshooting I’d notice that the phones would get the redirect from sangoma to my PBX, grab a small config and the VPN, but then reboot and for some reason not have the correct external IP to reach back to my PBX, so it’d spin up the VPN but not successfully auth or get a IP and thus not register

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