FreePBX 12 Check Online Fails on RasPi


I did a new installation with the raspbx distro.
After the first reboot i first did the upgrade to freepbx 12
the first module upgrade of the core worked with the module admin but after that while i check for updates the screen is white again with only the text module admin in the upper left corner.

If it is a problem with a module that ive upgraded later with the cli, this is my list of modules at this moment:
announcement Enabled
asteriskinfo 12.0.1 Enabled
backup 12.0.5 Enabled
builtin Enabled
cdr 12.0.1alpha8 Enabled
conferences 12.0.5 Enabled
core 12.0.1rc4 Enabled
customappsreg Enabled
dashboard 12.0.15 Enabled
endpointman Not Inst
featurecodeadmin 12.0.0 Enabled
framework 12.0.1rc19 Enabled
fw_ari Disabled
iaxsettings Enabled
infoservices Enabled
ivr Enabled
logfiles 12.0.6 Enabled
motif 2.11.13 Disabled
music 12.0.1 Enabled
queues 12.0.11 Enabled
recordings 12.0.3 Enabled
ringgroups 12.0.1 Enabled
sipsettings 12.0.2 Enabled
voicemail 12.0.15 Enabled

This is an issue with ONLY the raspi that I am looking into. I will be breaking apart this thread shortly.

Right now iā€™m getting this message in the dashboard:
Security Issue

.htaccess files are disable on this webserver. Please enable them
This is a critical issue and should be resolved urgently

how can i enable this?

I changed the AllowOverride directives in file 000-default in directory etc/apache2/sites-enabled to read:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /var/www/html
<Directory />
	Options FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride All
<Directory /var/www/html/>
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
	AllowOverride All
	Order allow,deny
	allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
	AllowOverride None
	Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

How much RAM is on these PIs? Please list your models

Thanks, that helped for the acces to the .htacces files

Model B, 512MB of RAM

this is the same for me

Part of the issue here is that in FreePBX 12 when you check online for updates itā€™s checking three XML files instead of just one.

During this process the Pi is taking forever to turn the XML files into arrays. This is partially due to FreePBX and partially because the Pi processor is very very slow. You can fix this by upping your max execution time in php.ini or we will probably turn this up as well in a future update to freepbx as itā€™s a single line command, but it will take you a very long long time to check for updates on a Pi

FreePBX itself is not meant to run on a Pi, they are very slow.

Yes, I think thatā€™s perfectly reasonable. Pi is a hobbyist platform, and Personally Iā€™m amazed it runs Something as powerful as FreePBX at all.

I upped the Max to 90 secs and it executed in about 48.

Thank-you, Andrew. I very much appreciate your effort.

The next version of framework (RC20?) will have the set_time_limit increased to 120 seconds. It should help with processing

and in 13 this will probably be a moot issue as I hope we wonā€™t be doing this anymore (xml files)

Andrew - re: my issues in the other thread they seem to be OK now, I upgraded to rc19 and deleted the system admin and extension routes - now when I check online it comes up ok too. if i have problems again i will lengthen the timeout as you mentioned above.


In case anyone is following this thread, I had the exact same problem updating User Control Panel 12.0.0beta25ā€¦the GUI just timed out and never displayed an error,but the CLI was more descriptive:

root@raspbx:~# amportal a ma install ucp

Please waitā€¦

Found module locally, verifyingā€¦Verified. Using Local

Module ucp successfully downloaded
Refreshing all UCP Assets, this could take a whileā€¦
Generating Module Scriptsā€¦Done
Generating Module CSSā€¦Done
Generating Main Scriptsā€¦PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/admin/modules/ucp/htdocs/includes/less/Less.php on line 0
zend_mm_heap corrupted

The fix was the sameā€¦I increased the max execution time to 180s and it worked. Frustrating thing is my virtualized CentOS box executed it in under 10s.

I hope you realize now why the PIs are a terrible choice in a PBX. They do not have the computing power to do these things.

Actually, FreePBX 2.11 works pretty well on the 512MB Raspberry Pi. Iā€™d stick with that if youā€™re determined to stay on the RasPi platform.

Quality is relativeā€¦

If you live your whole life in a 3rd world nation drinking polluted water you might assume all your ailments are a way of life and that the water works pretty wellā€¦ Then some charity organization pops in and brings technology to treat the water and your ailments all magically clear.

Some villagers may insist there is nothing wrong with the polluted water and claim it is just fine. Both may keep you hydrated but often it is better to be healthy rather than just alive.

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The reply I was commenting to was discussing how on a CentOS VM it takes 10 seconds to install UCP whereas on a RasPI it timesout (and needs about 180 seconds).

Regardless, FreePBX 12 works fine on a RasPI, the timeouts just need to be increased. Which I have already done once and I have another timeout increase staged. Why does UCP need such long timeouts? Because I generate all assets during install time instead of during first page load time (which on a Pi the page would never load, till this fix)

So I think the point is moot on ā€œif you want to stay on a Raspberry Pi then stick with 2.11ā€

How about you (end user) decide for yourself and let us know your issues and we will continue to work with/through them like has already been done in this thread.

PS: I increased it to 200.

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Released in the newest framework I increased it to 250 seconds plus whatever was set originally in the INI.

Thanks for keeping the low-power hobbyists in mind.

I honestly donā€™t have any expectations for support on the Pi, I just find it interesting in a tweaker way. That said, I think itā€™s viable for SOHO, and worthwhile.

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As always let me know if you have problems and I will weak to adjust. The tweaks (so far) have no effect on more powerful systems.