Cannot connect to asterisk after first reboot

today i installed asterisk on a new cloud server with centos 7 and i follow this guide:

After my first reboot i can not connect to freepbx and in the comments i so this:

In case anyone else encounters this, it was a firewall issue.
I added

  1. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
  2. firewall-cmd --reload

Then, re-started FreePBX
3) systemctl start freepbx
4) systemctl status -l freepbx.service (this produced the success output)

Then, restarted Apache
5) systemctl restart httpd.service

i follow this steps but when i sent this command i have this error:

  1. systemctl start freepbx
    Failed to start freepbx.service: Unit freepbx.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

  2. systemctl status -l freepbx.service
    ● freepbx.service
    Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
    Active: inactive (dead)

Now, if i connect to freepbx i have not problem but is write “cannot connect to asterisk”.

What i can do?
Thank you

I had this exact same issue today. Turns out they actually identified the fix in that article, though it’s nested a couple layers deep.

This was at the bottom of the CentOS7 article:
Automatic Startup
Please note you need to set up FreePBX to start asterisk (and it’s associated services) on bootup. You can view an example systemd startup script here.

The HERE link is:

Even i faced the same issue, i did restart the services and machine itself. But didnt worked for me!! I crosschecked everything and found that there was an IP conflict with other LIVE machine. Make sure your static ip is dedicated.