57,000 Emails from Asterix Cron

I recently discovered that Cron seems to send a message saying

From root@… (Cron Daemon)
To asterisk@…
Date 21/10/2016 17:28
Subject Cron <asterisk@…> [ -x
/var/www/html/admin/modules/dashboard/scheduler.php ] &&

Message contents

sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en): No such file
or directory
sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en): No such file
or directory

There are now 57,000 such emails in my inbox which the system sends out each minute or so.

Any idea what causes this and how to stop it?

in advance settings change default language to en_US

Can I do this safely if the default system language is German? Have installed custom Asterisk recordings.

@ jfinstrom

I changed to en_US in advanced settings and this seems to have stopped the emails. Thank you very much!

and the extensions still speak German :slight_smile: