Zulu install and config via Ansible


I have Zulu 2.1.11 Client installed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Workstation. It works :slight_smile:

Now I would like to automate the installation and configuration using Ansible.

So to be more specific I would like to:

  1. install and configure Zulu on each workstation under /opt/
  2. Configure Zulu for general settings such as the pbx address, port and advanced settings which the user should not be expected to know, nor understand
  3. Configure the Authorization for each user that has an account on the workstation so that the user is logged in with their credentials

This environment therefore includes workstations that may be used by one or more users at different times. Each user has a user account and we would like to have Zulu configured for each user.

I have looked in the user ~/ and find that the ~/ZuluFiles/ folder is created and the zulu.log file. I don’t seem to find any ~/.zulu or any files created within ~/.local/share

Is there some nice way to create a .zulu/zulu.conf and provide the settings required for each /home/useraccount in this way?

Hi @ppmsystems,

You can find Zulu’s config files under ~/.config/Zulu/zulu-config.json on Linux systems. You could edit and place the file there for each user and Zulu should be able to load it.

Please let us know if that helps.

Perfect just what I needed now I can create a template in Ansible and deploy that template expanding variables as I go.

Hi @jvallejo,

Hope you are well.

First issue:
We need to execute zulu-uc on a single system so that several agents can execute zulu-uc on that system (not simultaneously). We don’t want to install multiple versions or unpack the zulu-uc client in each users home directory.

Second issue
I installed zulu-uc version 2.1.11. When executing zulu out of the installation path, it does not kill the process and we have to kill -9 {pid} manually.

Any suggestions?