Yum upgrade fails on libresample conflict for asterisk16

FreePBX 15 / Asterisk 16 originally installed from ISO.

Attempting yum upgrade results in:

--> Processing Dependency: libresample.so.1.0()(64bit) for package: asterisk16-core-16.15.1-1.sng7.x86_64
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: asterisk16-core-16.15.1-1.sng7.x86_64 (sng-pkgs)
           Requires: libresample.so.1.0()(64bit)
           Removing: libresample-0.1.3-17.2.sng.x86_64 (@anaconda/1910)
           Updated By: libresample-0.1.3-20.el7.lux.1.x86_64 (lux)
               Not found
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

yum repolist all shows:

repo id                     repo name                                 status
centos-base-source/7        CentOS-7 - Base Sources                   disabled
centos-centosplus-source/7  CentOS-7 - Plus Sources                   disabled
centos-extras-source/7      CentOS-7 - Extras Sources                 disabled
centos-updates-source/7     CentOS-7 - Updates Sources                disabled
fasttrack/7/x86_64          Sangoma-7 - fasttrack                     disabled
lux/7                       CentOS 7 - x86_64 - Lux                   enabled:    497
sng-base/7/x86_64           Sangoma-7 - Base                          enabled: 10,070
sng-commercial/7/x86_64     Sangoma-7 - Commercial Modules            disabled
sng-cr/7/x86_64             Sangoma-7 - cr                            disabled
sng-epel/7/x86_64           Sangoma-7 - Sangoma Epel mirror           enabled: 15,649
sng-extras/7/x86_64         Sangoma-7 - Extras                        enabled:    413
sng-pkgs/7/x86_64           Sangoma-7 - Sangoma Open Source Packages  enabled:  1,630
sng-updates/7/x86_64        Sangoma-7 - Updates                       enabled:  1,127
sng7-media                  Sangoma-7 - Media                         disabled
src-sng                     SRPMs for Sanoma specific packages        disabled
src-sng-epel                SRPMs for Epel Packages                   disabled
src-sng-os                  SRPMs for Sanoma OS                       disabled
src-sng-updates             SRPMs for Sanoma Updates                  disabled
repolist: 29,386

This is not a new issue; for example I found

and several others.

However, the suggested fix (disable the problematic repo) conflicts with other updates and I don’t know how to best proceed.

Why do you have 3rd party (non Sangoma) repositories installed on your FreePBX distro?

Figure that out, and you can figure out why to remove.


A quick check of another system showed that lux is not normally present.

Running yum with --disablerepo=lux allowed the system to upgrade ‘ok’ (it can make and receive calls, but it may be weeks before I learn that something subtle is broken).

Yum showed only one package installed from lux

I had no record of adding lux and suspected that it may have been added maliciously.
However, it turns out to be used by a click-to-call app partly written in perl, which one user wanted.
My bad for poor record keeping.

Thanks again.

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