Where has the Extension Settings Report in FreePBX 12 gone?

Can some one please let me know where the Extension Setting Report that used to be under settings has gone in FreePBX 12 (12.0.34)? It has been a go to tool to check and see if a user has some how enabled call forwarding or other settings in a quick glance report.

Thank you,


Admin > Module Admin > Settings > Extension Settings ==> Enable
Make sure you’re checking all repos…might be extended or something.

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I appreciate your response. We had looked in module admin before opening ticket but it took enabling the ‘unsupported’ repository before it would show up. Then we were able to install.

Thank you,


It’s interesting because I had checked the wiki as well and had noticed a note that it could be moving to reports which makes sense.

Thank you again,


No problem Bill.

You can also get this info via Linux CLI or add a watcher script to alert
admins of a change…pm if interested