What am I doing wrong now, thanks

I built a 2nd machine from distro with 2.11, made a full backup of 1st machine, restored to new machine. On the first machine I use EPM and some g729 licenses.

Anyway, I did the restore, uninstalled some broken packages and re-installed them, all status looks good, all phones registered, trunk good, so on and so forth.

However, though each phone has a dial tone, none of them can truly dial out or an extension, it just doesn’t ring out anywhere.

Any thoughts why? I am thinking maybe the phones are set to use g729 and no licenses, but have not explored that in enough detail yet.


I don’t understand what “explored in enough detail” is.

From the Asterisk CLI run ‘g729 show license’ it may be licenses.

From FreePBX check SIP settings for allowed CODEC (this is top of food chain)

Check trunk for allow/disallow declarations

Check individual extensions for g729 in allow/disallow

Your “I haven’t checked anything but came here first” is silly, We can’t do anything without data.

Doesn’t seem to be any of the settings you mention. I DO NOT have g729 licenses on the new box, but will get some, no time left today.
I made sure trunk, sip setting, extensions all permitted ulaw, did not help, all allow/disallow looked okay.

When I boot using the first box, at least one of the phones beeps when freepbx kicks in, and all phones work as expected, however, there is no sound from any phone when I boot the 2nd box, and though there is a dial tone, there is no outside or extension dial that actually happens.

Not sure what else I can tell you in terms of real data, but I’ll get back to this next weekend. Thanks

FreePBX system setting all green.

Are the phones on the same network as the server?

Yes, each server has a different IP address, and I only run one server at a time. All phones are on the same internal network as the servers.

You need to post output from either an Asterisk console with dial plan verbosity turned up or an excerpt from /var/log/asterisk/full at the time you try and place call.

Also do a ‘sip show peers’ and make sure phones are registered.

I will do so when I am back in town next weekend, thank you!

sip show peers looks funky to me, not sure, and not sure how to fix, but i am going to think about it, I have restored from back up of the working machine onto new machine:

Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport ACL Port Status Description
101/101 D A 5062 OK (20 ms)
103/103 D A 5063 OK (56 ms)
105/105 D A 5062 OK (44 ms)
106/106 D A 5062 OK (19 ms)
107/107 D A 5062 OK (20 ms)
108/108 D A 5062 OK (31 ms)
109/109 D A 5063 OK (24 ms)
110/110 D A 5063 OK (29 ms)
111 (Unspecified) D A 0 UNKNOWN
112 (Unspecified) D A 0 UNKNOWN
300/300 D A 5062 OK (14 ms)

and the output from /var/log/asterisk/full is empty when I make the call, meaning no data there at the time of the call.


[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: cel_radius.so => (RADIUS CEL Backend)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] ERROR[2073] cdr_syslog.c: Unable to load cdr_syslog.conf. Not logging custom CSV CDRs to syslog.
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] ERROR[2073] cdr_custom.c: Unable to load cdr_custom.conf. Not logging custom CSV CDRs.
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: cdr_custom.so => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] config.c: == Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf’: Found
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: cdr_radius.so => (RADIUS CDR Backend)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] WARNING[2073] cdr_manager.c: Failed to load configuration file. Module not activated.
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] config.c: == Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.conf’: Found
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] NOTICE[2106] chan_sip.c: Peer ‘106’ is now Reachable. (81ms / 2000ms)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] config.c: == Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/cel_odbc_custom.conf’: Found
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] NOTICE[2106] chan_sip.c: Peer ‘101’ is now Reachable. (19ms / 2000ms)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] cel_odbc.c: – Found CEL table cel@asteriskcdrdb.
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: cel_odbc.so => (ODBC CEL backend)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] WARNING[2073] cdr_adaptive_odbc.c: Unable to load cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf. No adaptive ODBC CDRs.
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: cdr_adaptive_odbc.so => (Adaptive ODBC CDR backend)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] WARNING[2073] cdr_odbc.c: cdr_odbc: Unable to load config for ODBC CDR’s: cdr_odbc.conf
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘ForkCDR’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: app_forkcdr.so => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered custom function ‘BASE64_ENCODE’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered custom function ‘BASE64_DECODE’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] loader.c: func_base64.so => (base64 encode/decode dialplan functions)
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘MinivmRecord’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘MinivmGreet’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘MinivmNotify’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘MinivmDelete’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘MinivmAccMess’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered application ‘MinivmMWI’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered custom function ‘MINIVMACCOUNT’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] VERBOSE[2073] pbx.c: == Registered custom function ‘MINIVMCOUNTER’
[2013-11-02 17:01:46] WARNING[2073] app_minivm.c: Failed to load configuration file. Module activated with default settings.