WebRTC Softphone module now available for FreePBX!

When you run: sip show peers, the device you are looking for will be prefixed with 99

Thanks TM1000. My question was about the ports and protocols that need to be opened/forwarded in our firewall/router (Or in the FreePBX box if exposed to public internet). Can you clarify? I have installed the WebRTC module and activated one of the extensions and I can’t make/receive calls.

Our remote WebRTC extension is working! We established an SSH session tunneling ports 80 and 8088 to our test server on the cloud and it worked! So I assume these 2 ports need to be opened in the FreePBX server (Or like in our case, tunneled via encrypted SSH via PUTTY for a safer connection).

Anyone having luck with this work when freePBX is configured as Device and Users mode instead of Extensions mode?

Yes, 80 for FreePBX and 8088 but you can change 8088 to whatever you desire in Advanced Settings

User and Device Mode is not supported at this time.

Great job! Do you know when it will start supporting user and device mode? We’re eager to try this out but aren’t using extension mode either.

I would like to try this out so I went to the update link mentioned earlier. http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/FD/5.211.65+Release+Notes

The CAT command shows I’m on 1.818.210.58-1 which doesn’t appear to be anything close to the current version. Is that right? I must be much more out of date than I’d realized. The first script returned a “No such file or directory” error. Of course I didn’t go further as it says they must be done in order. I’m guessing I’m too out of date to run the scripts.


[root@PBX ~]# [root@PBX ~]# yum update asterisk11
-bash: [root@PBX: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, kmod
-bash: Loaded: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
-bash: Loading: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# Setting up Update Process
-bash: Setting: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# No Match for argument: asterisk11
-bash: No: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# No package asterisk11 available.
-bash: No: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# No Packages marked for Update
-bash: No: command not found
[root@PBX ~]# cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version
cat: /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version: No such file or directory
[root@PBX ~]# cat /etc/schmooze/pbx-version
[root@PBX ~]# http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/5.211.65/upgrade-5.211.65-2.sh
-bash: http://upgrades.freepbxdistro.org/stable/5.211.65/upgrade-5.211.65-2.sh: No such file or directory

Registration appears. I see the port that the registration happened through. But inbound calls are not ringing through. Going directly to VM.


Saludos amigos, mis respetos, una pregunta ¿Qué caso tiene el modulo webrtc dentro de FreePBX?

La mejor utilizada que yo le veo, es que sea una aplicación webphone, que aunque este instalada y configurada dentro del FreePBX, te genere un codigo iframe para pegarlo en un sitio web propio, por ejemplo, alguien tiene una emisora de radio FM por internet y desea que lo qu oyen la radio por internet puedan comunicarse a la estación para dejar unos comentarios y saludos.

Pienso que ese deberia ser el proposito de este modulo, al parecer las primera version que la vi por alli en un video de navismo estaba más disponible, porque podías insertar el codigo en alguna pagina web. NO he podido conseguir la version websoftphone-0.1.tar.gz, que es una version vista en el video de navismo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXBpTUnx7-Q

Hello friend,
can i install the webrtc module from the module admin in asterisknow or this kind of setup is limited only to freepbxdistro and i have to install it manually if i need it to work with asterisknow ?

This module is strictly for utilizing as a soft phone within the ARI / UCP for FreePBX, there may be other modules in the future.

Este módulo es estrictamente para utilizar como un teléfono suave dentro de la ARI / UCP para FreePBX, puede haber otros módulos en el futuro.