Voicemail transcription service

Is there a commercial module that I’m missing? Or what is a good 3rd party service that anyone can recommend?

I followed this write-up from CyberLynk: https://www.freepbxhosting.com/blog/howto-adventures-in-voicemail-transcripts/
It uses IBM Watson’s Speech-to-Text, it’s free on their “Standard” pricing plan if you only transcribe up to 1000 minutes per month, and then only $0.02 cents per minute after that.
It seems to work pretty well.

That was almost too easy to set up. It just works.
Like the write up said, it’s not 100% but it’s something.

I get \r\n\r\n Message contents: before the transcribed message. I would like to get rid of the \r\n\r\n

I guess I will look for it someday

Thank’s @adolfoc for the tip.

Need to edit the /usr/local/sbin/sendmainmp3-bluemix
Around line 134 you will find this. Remove the \e\n\e\n
echo “\r\n\r\n Message contects: $TRANSCRIPT” >> stream.new