Voicemail Module install hoses. 4-8-16 Updates

I have two FreePBX Distro 10.13.66-11 systems. Today, I had 18 modules (as I recall) available for upgrade. Most all commercial modules are disabled.

After downloading and installing the modules and before 'Apply’ing the config, the following error occurred on both systems relating to Voicemail. And one time I found the link for Voicemail Admin and when clicked, “Module Not FOund”: is reported.

I have saved the entire error text if needed. It disabled Voicemail and I had to reinstall it and all is well but a scary error.


This is fixed and published in to our Edge track.

If you are using a framework version of 13.0.96+

To enable the edge track, go to “Advanced settings and set
“Set Module Admin to Edge mode” to “Yes”

Then go to module admin and click “Check Online”. Note this will show updates
for ALL modules in the edge track. Update the module(s) relevant to your issue.
Once finished go to “Advanced settings and set “Set Module Admin to Edge mode” to “No”

You may also upgrade from the command line with “fwconsole ma --edge upgrade voicemail”

Please feel free to test and verify your issue is fixed.

If you wish to wait, this module will be pushed to the Stable repo as soon as it
meets the criteria for transition.

Thanks for the update!