Voicemail Extension Number - cisco phone

Hi I’ve got a Cisco phone that requires a voicemail extension number in the configuration so the built in buttons will work. I’ve tried *97 but that doesn’t work.
Is there a way to set a voicemail number instead of a * key?

Also I’ve found these steps for the voicemail button for my phone on a different site but I don’t know if its possible do this within freepbx?

exten => 399,1,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(all)="Voice Mail" <${EXTEN}>)
same => next,Answer()
same => next,Wait(0.5)
same => next,Set(MAILBOX=${SIPPEER(${CHANNEL(peername)},mailbox)})
same => next,VoiceMailMain(${MAILBOX},s)
same => next,Hangup(normal_clearing)

Your voicemail extension number should be an extension number. If your extension is “1401”, your voicemail extension should be the same. Some places use group voicemails (call center, nurse’s office, etc.), so the extension number doesn’t always match the extension of the phone.