Voice mail hangs up if play CID and play envelope is on

It only eliminates the + from the incoming caller ID. However if you are relying on that caller ID containing the + so that you can do redial or call from history, changing this would break it. The fix for that is simple: adding + to your outbound route.

Thanks for the reply. I will try it out and see if it fixes the problem. :grinning:

Everything now works great. . . I modified the trunk and then I also went in to the voicemail boxes and modified the CID on the text files so there old voicemails now work properly. OK, I guess this is a bug in 16.28 of asterisk. . . but now it’s fixed. . . thanks @billsimon for everything.

As it doesn’t look like the OP is going to do it, I’ve created [ASTERISK-30248] ast_get_digit_str adds bogus initial delimiter if first character not to be spoken - Digium/Asterisk JIRA

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Thanks david. . . :smiley:

Thanks @billsimon for the help! Changing the trunk context solved the issue.

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Thanks to @david55 for reporting the bug to the asterisk team. https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-30248 has been resolved.

It looks like the fix is coming with version 18.16.0 which is currently RC. It won’t be fixed in version 16 (but if anyone’s taking a poll I would vote that it be fixed there too since the regression was introduced to that version).

If you’re dealing with this bug in the meantime and have a bunch of mailboxes that are causing hangups, you can get the + characters out of the voicemail envelopes with some sed work:

find /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail -name "msg*.txt" | xargs sed -i 's/\+//g'

I don’t think there are any bad side effects to doing this. I just ran it on a server that had a bunch of messages causing this issue.

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Asterisk 16 only receives security fixes.

I understand, but it received a fresh bug!

It was eligible for normal bugs when the ticket was raised, but not when it was fixed.

We are doing another set of release candidates, so I am pulling the fix for this into 16 as well.


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