Variable substitutions not done for TTS with pico but are done for flite

I am using dynamic routes to generate some dynamic TTS contents.

The string that tts is asked to say is
Your balance is ${DYNROUTE_BalanceR} rand and ${DYNROUTE_BalanceC} cents.

the variables come from Dynamic Routes.

If i use flite as my tts engine, the string passed to the tts engine is :-
2022-12-02 11:32 +00:00: [40508] Launching ./propolys-tts.agi with args: Your balance is 60 rand and 86 cents

If i use the same tts rule, but change the engine to pico i see
2022-12-02 11:32 +00:00: [40492] Launching ./propolys-tts.agi with args: Your balance is rand and cents.,pico,/usr/bin/picospeaker
2022-12-02 11:32 +00:00: [40492][1669980750.975] >>> agi_arg_1: Your balance is rand and cents. Thankyou for using Air Mobile
2022-12-02 11:32 +00:00: [40492][1669980750.975] >>> agi_arg_2: pico
2022-12-02 11:32 +00:00: [40492][1669980750.975] >>> agi_arg_3: /usr/bin/picospeaker

I am on 16.0.26 distro 12.7.8-2204-1.sng7

How can i get the variable substitution working for pico?

Thankyou in advance!

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