Using the REST API module to query cel database


we are looking to write our own in-house dashboard to gather stats based in the cel database in real-time. The basic premise is much like iSymphony, so we can gather data on incoming/outgoing queue stats for a small support department and deliver them to an inn-house dashboard application that we currently use. I am not the developer, but I manage the PBX and so am looking for a way to access the data without having to expose the Asterisk database on the network. Of course we could just open up the database to the network allowing only a single IP address and a single user with Select only granted, but if I can do this through the REST API module then that would be preferable.

Has anyone used the REST API for anything like before, or is it only for developing phone apps?


No its for phone apps only at this time. Their is nothing in it for CEL. You need to get that from the DB direct.

Thanks for the info, I will work on sorting local access to the database directly now.


Thanks for the info, I will work on sorting local access to the database directly now.


Is there a better way to query live information from freepbx rather than constantly running queries against the cel database, for live data we would need to be running a query every second which may put the server under unnucessary load?


One solution is to open an AMI connection to the asterisk box on tcp/5038 set your manager to the appropriate permissions and read the feed, there are plenty of examples out there.