US International Dial Pattern incomplete?

Hi Stewart,
Is there a need to not include them in the US patterns? I was under the impression that “first match wins” with outbound routes so keeping these above my standard local/LD outbound route would match first and use any of the associated rules/trunks/etc?

I am distinguishing for security and have a PIN associated with the numbers as well as routing them to a different trunk provider that will limit total expenses (just incase there is a bug or the pin is compromised).

For now, I setup two outbound routes, one for all non US & Canada NANP Countries and one for Canada. I believe this now puts all international dialing on a dial plan that requires a PIN and routes to an appropriate trunk. As someone who rarely makes international calls, it feels like having a “US International” dial plan wizard that isn’t comprehensive or at least has some type of a notice on what it doesn’t cover (NANP countries) is at minimum concerning.

Anyways, just a related thought from the exploit experience from my other thread.